Header Files In C

In C language , header files contain a set of predefined standard library functions. The .h is the extension of the header files in C and we request to use a header file in our program by including it with the C preprocessing directive “#include” . C language has numerous libraries that include predefined functions to make programming easier. C++ Language also offers its users a variety of functions, one of which is included in header files. In C++, all the header files may or may not end with the “.h” extension. It offers the features like library functions, data types, macros, etc by importing them into the program with the help of a preprocessor directive “#include”. These preprocessor directives are used to instruct the compiler that these files need to be processed before compilation. Header files in C Syntax of Header Files in C/C++ We can include header files in C by using one of the given two syntaxes whether it is a pre-def...